
General information
Mtskheta-Mtianeti is a region in east Georgia. It consists of several historical parts, like Khevsureti, Khevi, Aragvi gorge, Gudamakari, Ksani gorge, etc. The administrative center of the region is Mtskheta – a popular touristic destination, former capital of Georgia. Entry region is a popular touristic destination, especially the Kazbegi area, Khevsureti, and Mtskheta itself. Also here is located famous mountain ski resort Gudauri. Besides it, there is popular rafting, in Mtiuleti Aragvi and Pshavi Aragvi rivers.
Highland region in east Georgia. Bordered by Khevi and the Great Caucasus range from the north, Lomisa range from the west, Gudamakari from the east, and Kartli from the south. Province is located in White Aragvi’s gorge. Via Mtiuleti is going historical road, which is connecting central Georgia with North Caucasus, later known as the Georgian Military Road, so the region was much less isolated than other highland regions. The most notable place of interest here is Ananuri complex, located on the bank of river Aragvi. Also popular here is Rafting. The main holly place for local people is Lomisa church, which is located on the top of Lomisa range. Here earlier was a pagan holly place.
The historical province of east Georgia. Located in the gorge of Gudamakari Aragvi. Surrounded by the Great Caucasus range from the north, Gudamakari range from the west. Gorge isn’t a popular tourist destination, but from here can be arranged trekking tours to Khevi province.
Pshavi is one of the historical provinces of Georgia, in the modern Mtskheta-Mtianeti region. In the early middle ages it was called Pkhovi, together with Khevsureti. From the north Pshavi is bordered by the great Caucasus range, from the west – Khevsureti and Gudamakari, from the south – Shida Kartli, and Tianeti from the east. Pshavi is divided into two communities – Ukana Pshavi, and Magaroskari. People of Pshavi – Pkhovi first are mentioned in early historical sources, that they were refusing to adopt Christianity and because of this had a serious conflict with the central government. Christianity in Pshavi was adopted later than in lowland Georgia, only around the XII century. Also in this period, the people of Pkhovi were divided into Pshavians and Khevsurians, who remained pagan. But nowadays there are still strong old pagan beliefs. Later when Georgia was divided into many little kingdoms, Pshavi was part of the Kakheti kingdom. The most well-known person from Pshavi was the famous Georgian poet Vaja-Pshavela (1861-1915), in his native village Chargali every year is a folk festival in his honor. For tourists, Pshavi is also interesting because of rafting on river Pshavis Aragvi, which is the province’s main river.
One of the most interesting provinces in the region is Khevsureti, part of the former Pkhovi. Khevsureti is divided into three parts – Aragvi gorge on the south slopes of the Great Caucasus range, Argun and Assa gorges on the north slopes of the Caucasus range. From the north Khevsureti is bordered by Chechnia and Ingusheti, from the east – Tusheti and Atsunta range, from the south – Pshavi and Gudamakari and from the west Khevi and Mtiuleti. Christianity in Khevsureti was adopted during the late middle ages, but till nowadays pagan beliefs here are very strong, even much stronger than in neighbors Pshavi and Mtiuleti. The region always was, and still is very isolated, that’s why there survived many old traditions, architecture, etc. and this attracts many tourists. The most popular tourist destination here is Argun gorge, which is located village of Shatili. The only road here goes via Datvijvari pass, which is closed from October to June, so the area is accessible by car only during summertime. Other places of interest here are villages Mutso, Ardoti, and Khakhabo, where medieval fortification architecture survived very well. More isolated than Argun gorge is river Assa gorge, which is located third part of Khevsureti – Arkhoti. Here isn’t a car road and the only way to come here is by trekking. So besides cultural tours to Shatili and Mutso, very popular is traveling in Khevsureti. Tourists are attracted here by the authenticity of the area, wild, untouched nature, and high mountains.
Located on the north slopes of the Great Caucasus range, consists of Tergi gorge, Truso gorge, Sno gorge, and Dariali gorge. Here goes the Georgian military road, and unlike Khevsureti isn’t so wild and isolated. The road to Khevi goes via Jvari pass, which is rarely closed during wintertime. The center of the area is the townlet Stepantsminda. Khevi is bordered by Khevsureti from the east, North Ossetia from the north and west, and Mtiuleti and Ksani gorge from the south. Khevi – also known as Kazbegi, attracts many tourists, first of all, it is close to Tbilisi, only 3 hours of driving, also there are many popular hiking destinations, from here is also possible to hike to Khevsureti area, also mountain climbers are attracted by mountain Kazbegi (5021m). Currently big part of the area belongs to Kazbegi national park.
What to do in Mtskheta-Mtianeti
- Mtskheta
- Basaleti
- Gudauri
- Stepantsminda
- Shatili
- Chargali
- Juta
- Ardoti
- Akhieli
- Ananuri
- Armazi
- Sno
- Mutso
- Shatili
- Kachu
- Lebaiskari
- Kistani
- Khakhabo
- Ardoti
- Stepantsminda
- Kazbegi mountain
- Dariali gorge
- Cross pass
- Datvijvari pass
- Assa gorge
- Chiukhi mountains
- Tebulo mountain
- Argun gorge
- Gveleti waterfalls
- Truso gorge
- Kazbegi national park